Pharmacy Program

The Medications You Need To Improve and Maintain Your Health

  • 200 Medications for $1.00
  • 37 Medications for $0
  • Plus Much More!

Plan Highlights

  • Available at pharmacies across the US, Puerto Rico, and Guam
  • Covers Acute and Maintenance Medications
  • Easy to use Search Tool
  • Guided Assistance Programs
  • Cost containment for Branded and Specialty Medications
Plan Highlights

Our Pharmacy Programs

Prescription Assistance Programs

Prescription Assistance Programs

Save on high-cost biologics, and specialty medications.

International Pharmacy

International Pharmacy

Sourced from licensed pharmacies in Tier One countries. Medications arrive direct from the manufacturer or licensed wholesaler in original packaging.

Home Delivery Simplified

Home Delivery Simplified

Our dedicated mail-order pharmacy obtains the prescription from the doctor or the pharmacy, then completes the order typically without shipping or handling fees.

Co-Payment Assistance Programs

Co-Payment Assistance Programs

We maximize savings with greater medication discounts, then control the user experience by maintaining all necessary documentation.

Diabetic Supply Management

Diabetic Supply Management

The cost of monitoring this disease makes it a costly proposition all around. We generate these savings the tried-and-true way - volume at our mail-order pharmacy.

How Does Rx Valet Work?

Contact Us

Business Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Locate Us

Rx Valet
1580 Atkinson road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Contact Us